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Sports Floor Repair Services at Star Volleyball Club, Noida

Sports Floor Repair

Noida Star Volleyball Club court was facing significant issues due to high usage and inadequate maintenance. The surface had become uneven with visible cracks and divots, impacting the quality of play and increasing the risk of player injuries. They stand in need for sports floor repair services.

Pacecourt Solution

Seeking a professional and lasting solution, Mohit Sharma approached Pacecourt for their expertise in court surfacing. After evaluating the court, Pacecourt recommended their Deep Patch product, known for its ability to effectively repair and smooth out sports surfaces, especially in high-traffic areas like an indoor volleyball court. Pacecourt provided detailed application instructions for the Deep Patch. The club's maintenance team carefully prepared the court surface, filling in all cracks and uneven spots with the Deep Patch. The product's formulation was specifically chosen for its durability and ability to create a seamless, smooth playing surface.


The renovation significantly improved the court's condition. The Deep Patch application resulted in a uniform, resilient surface, enhancing both the safety and the gameplay experience. The club experienced an uptick in member satisfaction and an increase in court usage following the refurbishment.

Client Feedback

Mohit Sharma was highly impressed with the results, praising Pacecourt for their efficient sports floor repair solution and the high quality of the Deep Patch product. He appreciated the swift and effective response to his club's needs, which helped maintain the club's reputation for high-quality sports facilities.

Final Remarks

This case study highlights Pacecourt's capability to provide effective solutions for indoor sports surface repairs, catering to the specific needs of busy sports facilities. The successful refurbishment of the volleyball court at Noida Star Volleyball Club, under Mohit Sharma's management, demonstrates the effectiveness and reliability of Pacecourt's Deep Patch in enhancing and maintaining premium sports surfaces. Contact us if you have any sports floor repair related requirements.

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